المميز سليم شريف في بودكاست المميزون

المحامي عباس عباس، المبادر الاجتماعي ومدير عام جمعية المنارة، يستضيف المميز سليم شريف، ضمن بودكاست "المميزون". سليم من ذوي الهمم وهو من أصحاب التحديات البصرية.

اعدادات النصوص والألوان

Choosing Your Own Greatness

Choosing Your Own Greatness
بريميوم book
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صوتي book
بريميوم book

Choosing Your Own Greatness

المؤلف : واين داير
اللغة : انجليزية
التقييم : 1.93
الوقت : 03:39:40
فئة الكتاب : الدين والفلسفة , الدين والروحانيات
نبذة عن الكتاب :

According to the news media, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer is an author, a psycho-therapist, a college professor, a lecturer, a TV and radio personality, and a consultant. To his fans everywhere, he's much more than that. Wayne Dyer is a respected and highly regarded analyst of life, and its meaning. Many consider him America's number-one problem solver and life enhancer. That Wayne Dyer is a legend in his own time there can be no doubt. Offered in evidence is the fact that he has appeared solo at Carnegie Hall in "A Very Special Evening with Wayne W. Dyer"... that he is the nominee for an upcoming Golden Gavel Award (outstanding speaker of the year) from Toastmasters International... and that he has appeared on 5,200 radio and television shows! His best-selling books include Your Erroneous Zones - of which there are almost 30 million copies in print worldwide - Pulling Your Own Strings, The Sky's the Limit, and Gifts from Eykis. He is also the author of two N-C audio programs in addition to this


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