المميز سليم شريف في بودكاست المميزون

المحامي عباس عباس، المبادر الاجتماعي ومدير عام جمعية المنارة، يستضيف المميز سليم شريف، ضمن بودكاست "المميزون". سليم من ذوي الهمم وهو من أصحاب التحديات البصرية.

اعدادات النصوص والألوان

Lady Anna

Lady Anna
بريميوم book
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صوتي book
بريميوم book

Lady Anna

المؤلف : أنتوني ترولوب
اللغة : انجليزية
التقييم : 2.00
الوقت : 13:08:25
القارئ : سيمون إيفرز
فئة الكتاب : روايات , روايات كلاسيكية
نبذة عن الكتاب :

When her husband suddenly declares that he already has a wife, the Countess Lovel, who married him for status and wealth rather than love, is forced to spend her whole life trying to defend her claim to her title and the legitimacy of her daughter Anna, for whom she is determined to secure a highly advantageous marriage. However, much to her mother's horror, the young heroine - Lady Anna - has fallen in love with a journeyman tailor. The novel is a powerful and intense exploration of Anna's struggles to somehow reconcile her own desires with her duty to her social class, and more broadly, an examination of class differences, and cultural and social mobility. The topic was not a popular one in 1874 and the novel was not initially well received.


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